What is RoHun™Therapy?

Definition of RoHun

RoHun is an interpersonal therapy that is used to facilitate healing and transformation. RoHun’s in-depth process taps into the subconscious regions of the mind to reveal and release negative thought constructs, blocks, and emotions that restrict, limit, and continually sabotage the self.  It is cooperative self-healing through knowledge, love, understanding, forgiveness, and release that makes RoHun a powerful tool for transformation. Self-acknowledgment and self-esteem are the primary objectives. Through a unique blending of heart-centered intuitive talk therapy, creative imagery, and human energy field manipulation, RoHun rapidly moves the client from feeling stuck to the basic purification of emotional traumatic issues, to the advanced stages of transformation, discovery, and Higher Self awareness. Real change is created, felt and manifested in your life.

Benefits of RoHun™ Therapy

  • Clears faulty thought patterns that attract negative situations

  • Awakens sensitivity to your own inner resources

  • Assists you to relax and ease tension

  • Introduces you to your own creative and intuitive abilities

  • Gives you deep and meaningful insights into self

  • Aids you in the development and reinforcement of self-confidence

  • Helps you forgive and release the past, obtaining new freedom from guilt and resentment

  • Assists you toward a more open expression of self

  • Increases peace and harmony within yourself

  • Increase your understanding and compassion for yourself and others

  • Helps you become more comfortable with yourself and feel stronger about coping with life

  • Helps you open up the heart to give and receive love more deeply

  • Gives insight into intimate relationships

  • Expands perspective in life

  • Balances male and female energies

  • Enhances self-worth and ability to love

  • Empowers you to make different choices in life that better serve your needs and desires

  • Connects you to your purpose in life

RoHun means “the vibration of healing”

Love - Connection to unconditional divine and self-love
Forgiveness - For spiritual understanding and release
Self-Knowledge - Evolution into wholeness of being
Continuity of Consciousness - Cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth


RoHun Cleanse

This session is to cleanse feelings of unworthiness, fear, helplessness, and judgment.

  • You will nourish your inner self and increase your own sacred abilities.

  • This session is about 2 hours long.

  • Follow-up resources, information, and home practice recommendations so you are empowered to continue your own healing and changing your life

  • Email or text check-ins to hear about your progress, address any questions or challenges, and celebrate the shifts you are experiencing!

Investment $444

RoHun Purification Process

This is an in-depth cleansing of the faulty thoughts and feeling patterns of victimization. You will connect with your Higher Self, clear the negative energy in each chakra, feel a powerful understanding of who you are, and move into deeper love and forgiveness

  • This is a highly interactive therapy between you and me.

  • It consists of three sessions

  • Commitment to the entire process is necessary

  • Follow-up resources, information, and home practice recommendations so you are empowered to continue your own healing.

  • One Kundalini Energization session included soon after completed Purification

Investment: $1,500

RoHun Advanced Purification Process

This process moves you to greater depths of consciousness where elements of your shadows surface and are released. Caged energy holds all those secretly held and hurtful thoughts and feelings you have about yourself. These thoughts and feelings are “caged” or locked away from your conscious awareness. These are hidden seeds of self-abusive thoughts and feelings and they manifest as self-harm and the mistreatment of others in our daily lives.

  • This transformative therapy consists of 4 sessions of approximately 2-3 hours each.

  • Commitment to the entire process is necessary

  • Follow-up resources, information, and home practice recommendations so you are empowered to continue your own healing.

  • One Kundalini Energization included.

Investment: $1,750

RoHun Advanced Processes

These are transformative and advanced processes that continue the healing of the subconscious and expand to greater states of awareness in your consciousness.

The advanced processes are:

  • The Androgynous Process – male and female healing (three sessions);

  • The Divine Mother, healing issues with the mother (one session);

  • The Origin Process – healing issues with God (two sessions); and

  • The Seven Visions of Self (three sessions)

Included with these sessions you will also get:

  • Follow-up resources, information, and home practice recommendations so you are empowered to continue your own healing and changing your life

  • Check ins to hear about your progress, address any questions or challenges, and celebrate the shifts you are experiencing!

Investment: $500 per session

RoHun Deep Core Issues

In these insightful and transformative processes of RoHun, you see, experience, and understand the underlying negative belief systems upon which you have built your life (constructs, vaults, and tanks). Constructs reveal the mental aspects of these belief, vaults reveal the feeling aspects, and tanks reveal the deepest forms of self-abuse and how it has negatively affected your life. In these sessions we will work towards breaking free from the constructs, processing emotions stored in the vaults, and releasing the pressure from the tanks.

  • 3 to 4 day series

  • Commitment to the entire process is necessary

  • Follow-up resources, information, and home practice recommendations so you are empowered to continue your own healing and changing your life

  • Email or text check-ins to hear about your progress, address any questions or challenges, and celebrate the shifts you are experiencing!

Investment: $2,000

Unsure Where To Begin?

Explore the RoHun Cleanse
or Purification Process!

Or contact me to identify the best session for your unique healing needs